Lightning App Directory
This page lists wallets and Lightning apps (“lapps”) built on LND, along with several compatible apps built on Eclair and c-lightning.
Lightning App by Lightning Labs: a cross-platform wallet powered by
. See the announcement for desktop and mobile for more information. Checkout the code and find the releases for desktop, Android and iOS.
Zap Wallet by Jack Mallers: a mobile and desktop app focused on ease of use and general user experience. Check out the Zap website or read the code on GitHub.
- Hosted wallet great for quickly trying out Lightning payments on the Bitcoin testnet.
- ZeusLN: A mobile Bitcoin app for Lightning Network Daemon (lnd) node operators. Runs on Android and iOS.
- Breez: Breez is a Lightning Network mobile client and a hub. It provides a platform for simple, instantaneous bitcoin payments. Supports Android and iOS.
- Bitrefill: Recharge prepaid phone cards with Bitcoin and Litecoin
- Y’alls: Read and write articles, with Lightning Network
- LNCast: Lightning Network Podcasts
- Bard: Simple paywall for watching a music visualizer
- Peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange with Lightning integration
- Cryptocurrency trading using Lightning (custodial)
- lntxbot Lightning integration to Telegram with tipping, send and receive and satellite API usage (custodial)
- Put any website behind a paywall and pay with Lightning
Lightning network explorers
Protocol Services
- Lightning Faucet: Receive free testnet Bitcoin
- Panel for webmasters to manage their full lightning node
Developer Tools
- WooCommerce Plugin: Gateway plugin to accept Lightning payments at WooCommerce stores
- LND Explorer: demo for a web interface for LND. Code on Github
- Light-weight LND Dashboard: A lightweight web client for LND
- LightningJ: A project intending to simplify the integration of Lightning implementations for Java developers, containing simple to use API implementations and converters between JSON and XML.
- Opencart Plugin: Bitcoin Lightning Network Payment Gateway for Opencart. Code on Github.
- LightningTip: Library to accept tips via the Lightning Network
- Slack tipbot: Custodial Slack tipbot
- LightningPay-PHP: PHP plugin for eCommerce website to add Pay by Lightning to accept order payments via the Lightning Network.
- LN tips integrated to Twitter (custodial)
- Lightning Gifts Create fee-less Bitcoin gift vouchers to share with friends, family, and your haters. Powered by the Lightning Network ⚡
- Lightning Gem: Betting game using Lightning for payments
- Lightning based games and more.
- Internet graffiti paid with Lightning
Physical applications
- Ben Arc’s various projects
based on Arduino, ESP32 and the M5Stack.
- M5StackSats: A bitcoin point of sale terminal using the ESP32 based M5Stack
- Physically faucet: A Lightning Network bitcoin faucet using the api
- Flux capacitor: A dynamic Lightning Network point of sale device
- The Fossa: The Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) ATM, dump that stinky loose fiat change for glorious sats!
- LightningATM: This ATM accepts coins and sends bitcoin over the Lightning Network
- Distributed Charge: Electric Car Charging by Making Real Time Machine to Machine Micropayments Over The Bitcoin Lightning Network
Eclair Lapps
Eclair is a Scala implementation of the Lightning Network built by ACINQ
- Eclair app: on desktop and Android
- Starblocks: Virtual coffee shop
- Strike: Stripe-like Lightning payment aggregator API (custodial)
- Lightning Conductor: A service for converting Lightning balances to BTC and back without having to close or open channels, currently on testnet.
c-Lightning Lapps
c-lightning is a specification-compliant LN implementation in C, under the Elements Project
- Blockstream store (mainnet): Bitcoin paraphernalia that can only be purchased over LN.
- Lightning Charge: A drop-in solution for accepting lightning payments
- WooCommerce Plugin: Original c-lightning version of the Gateway plugin to accept Lightning payments at WooCommerce stores, based on Lightning Charge.
- Week of
built on Lightning Charge by Nadav Idgi.
- Nanopos: A simple point-of-sale system for fixed-price goods
- FileBazaar: A system for selling files such as documents, images, and videos
- Lightning Publisher for WordPress: A patronage model for unlocking WordPress blog entries
- Paypercall: A programmer’s toolkit for Lightning that enables micropayments for individual API calls
- Ifpaytt: An extension of paypercall that allows web developers using IFTTT to request payments for service usage
- Lightning Jukebox: A fun demo that reimagines a classic technology for the Lightning Network
- Nanotip: The simple tip jar, rebuilt to issue Lightning Network invoices
- Elaine Ou’s projects:
If you would like a Lightning app considered for this page, please send a link and a one sentence description to If applicable, please specify which Lightning implementation it is built on.