Stage 3 - RPC Client
In this section, we will run the finished tutorial app and set up a gRPC client
for programmatic access to our lnd
Setting up our web development workspace
Let’s set up our news site. Before beginning, ensure that you are running
Python 2.7 and that you have
# Create a new workspace which will hold both the repo and the virtualenv. We
# recommend running this in a new terminal window.
mkdir ln-workspace
cd ln-workspace
# Clone the repo
git clone
# Create virtualenv and activate it. Make sure to activate this environment
# whenever you are working with the coindesk app.
virtualenv deskenv
source deskenv/bin/activate
# Install webapp Python requirements
cd lightning-coindesk
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now, let’s set up Python gRPC so that we can run our website
# Install the dependencies required for gRPC
pip install grpcio grpcio-tools googleapis-common-protos
# Run our webserver
python runserver
Notice that in coindesk/
we have set
LND_RPCHOST = "localhost:10002"
. In other words, your server is connected to
the “Bob” lnd
node, and making payments to it is equivalent to making
payments to Bob.
Testing the app
If everything went smoothly, you should now have a web server exposed at port
Feel free to click around the site. You will soon find that you need to log in and make a payment to view the articles.
To prevent lnd
users from having to go through the hassle of signing up with
an email address and password, we created an authentication scheme based on the
user’s lnd
identity pubkey and logging in by signing an arbitrary message. In
particular, we are signing the CSRF token sent along with the login POST
request. This scheme is secure against replay attacks because Django generates
a unique CSRF token for every login attempt, and never reuses CSRF tokens.
Let’s create a new account for Alice by logging in and supplying a username.
Copy down the generated message (in the screenshot, it is VcccAuMC...
alice$ lncli-alice signmessage <GENERATED_MESSAGE>
"signature": <SIGNATURE>
into the corresponding field and set alice
as the desired
username. You should now be logged in as Alice.
Navigate to the sweet article and make a payment from the Alice node (you can use either the command line or the web GUI). Clicking “Complete” will prompt the webserver to check that the payment has been complete, and you can now enjoy reading through this sweet article.
Setting up gRPC
Let’s practice running some commands on gRPC. Open up a new terminal window then proceed as follows:
# Enter the development environment
cd ln-workspace
# Activate Python virtualenv
source deskenv/bin/activate
# Clone the Google API repository, which is required due to the use of
# google/api/annotations.proto
git clone
# Download the lnd rpc.proto file
curl -o rpc.proto -s
# Compile the proto file
python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=googleapis:. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. rpc.proto
We have now generated the two files
, which
you’ll need to import into your Python code in order to use it with lnd. Let’s move it into the coindesk folder for easy access
mv rpc* lightning-coindesk/coindesk
We will now try a few commands with the Python gRPC client from the command line.
# Optionally install ipython for prettier command line output
pip install ipython
# Open the Django shell. This is a standard Python shell that also allows access to Django objects.
cd lightning-coindesk
python shell
# Import rpc files and grpc
In [1]: from coindesk import rpc_pb2 as ln, rpc_pb2_grpc as lnrpc
In [2]: import grpc, os
# Establish a secure connection with our RPC server. We will first have to
# gather our cert. Lnd cert is at ~/.lnd/tls.cert on Linux and
# ~/Library/Application Support/Lnd/tls.cert on Mac
In [3]: cert = open(os.path.expanduser('~/.lnd/tls.cert')).read()
In [4]: creds = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(cert)
In [5]: channel = grpc.secure_channel('localhost:10009', creds)
# Create a new 'stub' object that will allow us to interact with our "Bob" lnd node.
In [6]: stub = lnrpc.LightningStub(channel)
# Make a call to the ListChannels API.
In [7]: listchannels_resp = stub.ListChannels(ln.ListChannelsRequest())
channels {
active: true
remote_pubkey: "02244b8eff01be9f7b4ec1d73ab10fc36da48b01a685ac90ed09a63fe94ec08d0a"
channel_point: "2622b779a8acca471a738b0796cd62e4457b79b33265cbfa687aadccc329023a:0"
chan_id: 495879744192512
capacity: 1000000
local_balance: 21001
remote_balance: 970311
commit_fee: 8688
commit_weight: 724
fee_per_kw: 12000
total_satoshis_received: 21001
num_updates: 8
channels {
active: true
remote_pubkey: "032eed260ef71110a02a5da44d82fef9628ffa51113a2d0b9524e7d3bff615a1cf"
channel_point: "028088c354b26c33cfd5a5b2d4cca27c6e3a73b6752b5beff6f67ce779af5656:1"
chan_id: 554153860464641
capacity: 800000
local_balance: 190000
remote_balance: 601312
commit_fee: 8688
commit_weight: 724
fee_per_kw: 12000
total_satoshis_sent: 10000
num_updates: 2
What happened here? We constructed the request object for the list channels
command with ln.ListChannelsRequest()
, and passed it into the ListChannels
function exposed by our stub.
The response was saved into a listchannels_resp
variable that holds all the
information returned by the listchannels
command. You can now access the
individual properties of this object; for example, you can access the chan_id
of Bob’s first channel with listchannels_resp.channels[0].chan_id
Playing with gRPC
To get a hang of the RPC documentation, try running a slightly more complex
command like GetChanInfo
, which requires passing in some parameters. The API
docs are not yet complete, but you can refer to the RPC documentation in
Hint: look at the GetChanInfo
object and the associated requests and
Moving on to Step 4
By now, you should have at least a basic understanding of how to work with lnd
from a gRPC client. In Stage 4, we will
finally integrate lnd
into our news site.
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